Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for September 29 to October 5, 2024 | Astrology

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Love: The Moon
Mood: Three of Wands
Career: Temperance
You are likely to participate in a celebration and enjoy every moment of it. Time to reap the fruits of your sound investments has arrived. Someone will be in a reciprocating mood for all the good that you have done for them. Offer for property at a bargain price may seem too hard to resist. Your enthusiasm over an issue is likely to rub off on the family and make the week exciting. Vacation can become a possibility for some, as leave is granted.

Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Cream
Taurus (April 21-May 20)
Love: Hermit
Mood: Five of Swords
Career: Six of Coins
You will need to define your career goals clearly before deciding what to pursue on the academic front. Love front appears to be exciting. Those singles are likely to connect with a likeminded individual. Setting out on a long journey is indicated. A property deal proves profitable, as you get it much below the market price. You may be given a position of authority in a reshuffle on the professional front. Someone close may be of immense help to you on the domestic front.
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Red
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Love: Judgement
Mood: The Emperor
Career: The Hanged Man
If something is pending at work, now is the time to complete it. A new work environment will prove comfortable. Efforts on the academic front may not be adequate, so turn your focus back to studies. Your attempts to gain an upper hand on the social front may succeed. Pending payments may be received. Those new on the job will be able to establish themselves. Business people will find the week favourable. An exciting time with lover is foreseen.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Blue
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Love: Ten of Cups
Mood: Three of Coins
Career: Devil
Wealth comes to you from all avenues to get your cash register ringing! Stars shine bright on the romantic front, so make the most of it! You will manage to impress one and all on the social front. Plans to be one up on your rivals on the professional front are likely to be put into effect now. You are likely to be at your convincing best to get out of a tight corner on the work front. Minor health problems may bug you, but your resolve to get fit will see you through.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Baby Pink
Leo (July 23-August 23)
Love: The World
Mood: The Strength
Career: The Sun
If you want things to go smoothly, do what your heart dictates rather than listening to others. Keep the domestic environment as light as possible. Getting into the groove in a new job will not pose much difficulty for the freshly employed. Some problems on the work front will require your immediate attention. Things not working out on the academic front will be set right through your efforts. Love may blossom and give a new spark to life.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Green
Virgo (August 24-September 23)
Love: Eight of Swords
Mood: The Fool
Career: The Tower
Going the extra mile for something important cannot be ruled out. You may need to be one up on someone to make your mark. A prestigious assignment may be awarded to you on the professional front. A competitive situation on the academic front may find you in your element. Those ailing will manage to nurse themselves back to perfect health. Lover is likely to cash on to your romantic mood, so get ready for a thrilling time!
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Peach
Libra (September 24-October 23)
Love: Knight of Swords
Mood: Page of Swords
Career: Hierophant
There is much to do on the professional front and you will have no problems in going about your work efficiently. You may be counted upon for something important at work. Discharging a social obligation will be immensely satisfying. Reciprocation for all the good that you have done for someone can be expected soon. On the academic front, some particular subject may get you interested and make you shift your focus. Your love life will remain satisfactory.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Saffron
(October 24-November 22)
Love: Ten of Cups
Mood: Eight of Wands
Career: The Lovers
Wise investments will keep you financially strong. Travel bug may bite some. Money loaned to someone will be timely returned. Setting up the house may give a particular thrill to homemakers. You will need to remain a bit conservative on the financial front. Catering to a child or family youngster will prove most fulfilling. Love life may require rekindling to keep the passions alive. Those undergoing treatment are likely to find steady improvement.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Purple
(November 23-December 21)
Love: Two of Swords
Mood: The Strength
Career: The Tower
You will need to stretch your imagination a bit to see someone’s point of view. So, don’t reject it out of hand. There will be much excitement as romance transforms into matrimony. You are likely to feel nice in doing a good turn to someone, even though you had not intended to. Improvement in financial situation will encourage you to think big. You will be able to handle a tricky situation at work with patience and perseverance. You may plan travelling with someone you like.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: White
(December 22-January 21)
Love: The Sun
Mood: The Magician
Career: Two of Coins
Your academic record is likely to open many doors for you on the career front. Socially, you are likely to enjoy all the attention being bestowed on you. A good break on the professional front is likely. Visiting new and exotic places is on the cards. Chances of acquiring a new property are foreseen for some. Finding a suitable match for the eligible is possible. Expect a blissful existence on the romantic front, as sweetheart showers love!
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Magenta
(January 22-February 19)
Love: Four of Coins
Mood: King of Wands
Career: The Empress
Financial terms and conditions regarding buying property may need to be sorted out first. Academic pursuits may prove enjoyable for some. If you get the right push, you can do wonders and that push is about to come! You may need to step up the pace of work to finish it in time. Some good opportunities on the professional front may materialise soon. Use tact in touching upon a sensitive issue with spouse. Befriending a stranger is possible. Get going on the fitness front.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Yellow
(February 20-March 20)
Love: The Chariot
Mood: Seven of Swords
Career: Three of Coins
Someone is likely to do you a good turn by solving your problems. Health will not pose any problems. If you want things to remain favourable, observe what is happening around you and then act. Changes sought on the home front will be realised by homemakers. Financial front will require strengthening, so cut down on all wasteful expenditure. On the academic front, a new project may interest you. Some of you can take a short break to take someone sightseeing.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Orange