Audit reveals how ₹1.24 crore was embezzled at Regional Mental Hospital Pune


A financial audit exposed embezzlement of government funds at the Regional Mental Hospital (RMH), Yerawada. An investigation committee of public health department found significant irregularities in purchases, stock records, and payments, raising concerns about mismanagement and patient welfare.

The panel in the report has recommended strict action and recovery of misused funds from the then-serving medical superintendent, administrative officer, office superintendent, and clerks (accounts section) (HT FILE)
The panel in the report has recommended strict action and recovery of misused funds from the then-serving medical superintendent, administrative officer, office superintendent, and clerks (accounts section) (HT FILE)

The report submitted by the committee on March 12 examined records dating to January 2017 and revealed violations of human rights and the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017. It finds Dr Sunil Patil, former medical superintendent of RMH, of embezzling government funds of 1.24 crore in making unauthorised purchases, approving excessive payments, and failing to ensure proper patient care.

The panel in the report has recommended strict action and recovery of misused funds from the then-serving medical superintendent, administrative officer, office superintendent, and clerks (accounts section).

As per the committee, the solar heater installed at RMH was not operational, violating contract terms as it mentioned 14% maintenance charge, while only 2% was required. An additional 73 lakh was fraudulently paid to the supplier. Full payments were made for cleaning services, but the facility has not been done as per the contract.

Similarly, for the Centre of Excellence, purchases were made without following government procedures and an estimated 8– 10 lakh was misused. No de-addiction centre was set up despite receiving 11 lakh. While 11 lakh was fraudulently claimed for linen purchases, patients did not get the clothing.

As per the officials, a major finding was the manipulation of stock records of daily needs under local purchase. Auditors found shortage of 19,57,692 worth of essential supplies meant for patients’ daily use during physical stock verification.

Similarly, the stock record book for local supply for 2020-21 to 2023-24 showed demand letters for items supplied to wards. In some cases, signatures of recipients were missing in the stock register. The investigation also found that RMH purchased supplies at inflated rates, with some bought 10 times higher than the sanctioned amount. The supply records were manipulated and the audit also found discrepancies in the ward supply records.

Dr Sriniwas Kolod, medical superintendent, RMH, said, “Material purchased, distributed and received in the ward had massive discrepancies. This was found by auditors in the record during investigations.”

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