Haryana polls: No vertical growth in old sectors, say Panchkula residents

In the din of electioneering for the upcoming Haryana assembly elections, residents of Panchkula voice their opposition to stilt plus 4 constructions once again and wants commitment from the political parties in fray to not to allow these constructions.

Looking at avenues for vertical growth, the stilt plus 4 policy was notified in 2019, but the same face a lot of opposition across Haryana, with one of the most vocal voices against the policy being former chief of Army Staff General VP Malik (retd) who resides in Panchkula.
A stilt+four building, is one where the ground floor is raised above the ground level by creating an open space on pillars or stilts. The stilt floor is typically used for parking or storage, while the upper floors are used for residential purposes.
With the state wide opposition and protests, the government was forced to put the policy in abeyance in February 2023 though many people had started constructions in Panchkula. The government had set up an expert panel which even conducted meeting, invited objections from RWAs. But the expert committee recommended that permission for such constructions shall be granted only if availability of commensurate infrastructure is certified to the satisfaction of authorities and required infrastructure augmentation is initiated by the department concerned.
So based on the recommendations of the expert panel, in July 2024, the Haryana government, after a 16-month ban, allowed stilt plus 4 constructions in residential sectors where the layout plan for building four dwelling units per plot or accommodating density of 18 persons per plot stands approved. However, this was contingent on inking of a mutual consent agreement between all adjoining plot allottees or keeping side setbacks of a certain dimension on every floor from the neighbouring plots to ensure better aeration and sunlight.
What the residents say
“The decision to allow stilt plus 4 benefits the builder lobby. Panchkula lacks the infrastructure to support these buildings which was event in recent rains as the town gets flooded with slight rains. We demand permanent stoppage of construction of Stilt +4 floors in old sectors immediately. We have urged the residents to press on the candidates to include in their manifesto,” said SK Nayar, president of Citizen’s welfare association, Panchkula.
Jawaharlal Nanda, of sector 16, Panchkula, whose house suffered damages owing to the stilt plus 4 construction, “The houses developed cracks as the infrastructure in the old sectors cannot bear the load of these constructions. People like me are bearing cost of the faulty planning of the government.”
Yashveer Malik, president of the Haryana State HUDA Sector Confederation, “despite opposition from the people the government had decided to allow stilt plus 4 constructions to benefit builders.
President of the Federation of Residents Association (FORA), RP Malhotra, said, “Vertical growth is the need of the hour but the same should be allowed in developing sectors. The old sectors of Panchkula do not have requisite infrastructure to support the burden of these buildings.”
Candidates speak
“I have been of the opinion that no stilt plus 4 constructions will be allowed in old sectors. To safeguard the interests of the residents we have made it mandatory that to have consent of all adjoining plot allottees. Also in case of damage the person undertaking the construction will pay the damages. Vertical growth is an option but the same will be in new sectors,” said Gian Chand Gupta, BJP candidate, who had been MLA for last 10 years in Panchkula.
“Allowing stilt plus 4 constructions in old sectors is totally wrong. This existing infrastructure does not allow these constructions. This will not only lead to unplanned construction but also spoil the skyline, which cannot be allowed at any cost,” said Prem Garg, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) candidate.
“The policy is framed only to benefit the builder lobby. The residents cannot be allowed to suffer owing to faulty policies of the government and many have suffered losses owing to damaged caused to their houses. This will not be allowed,” said Chander Mohan, congress candidate.