SPPU issues circular to clarify PNR admissions


Sep 28, 2024 07:28 AM IST

According to the SPPU administration, students have to complete the degree course in a certain number of years as per the rules of the University Grants Commission (UGC)

PUNE: While the academic council of the Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) recently decided to provide another exam opportunity to students who have PRN block, the university on Friday released a circular clarifying that the decision will be applicable only to students whose backlog has remained in the final year and the year before that.

According to the circular, students who do not get this opportunity for the final year and the year before that have to submit their applications to the respective college with all available and medical documents. (HT PHOTO)
According to the circular, students who do not get this opportunity for the final year and the year before that have to submit their applications to the respective college with all available and medical documents. (HT PHOTO)

According to the SPPU administration, students have to complete the degree course in a certain number of years as per the rules of the University Grants Commission (UGC). The opportunity for another exam will be available only to those students who have a backlog. It will not be available to new or re-admitted students under any circumstances. It will be applicable only to appearing for the examination in both semesters in the academic year 2024-25. Accordingly, students will be able to give the exam in the winter session of 2024 and the summer session of 2025.

Jyotsna Ekbote, member, SPPU management council, said, “This opportunity will be available to students of all courses who have completed the final year course and given the exam, all students who have backlog of all internal exams and university written exam in the final year. Similarly, this opportunity will be available to students who have completed the final year course and given the exam, those students who have backlog of all internal exams and university written exam in the year before the final year.”

“The SPPU has provided another opportunity to the students who have completed the semester. Our university is the only university in the country to take this kind of decision for the welfare of the students,” Ekbote said.

According to the circular, students who do not get this opportunity for the final year and the year before that have to submit their applications to the respective college with all available and medical documents. Students have to appear for the examination considering the equivalent subjects as per the regular course pattern. Students being provided this opportunity will not be given any opportunity in future.

All measures should be taken to guide and counsel the students at the college level regarding PRN. Also, utmost care should be taken that no student is sent to the examination department in this regard. Also, it will be the responsibility of the concerned colleges and institutions to ensure that the students are not deprived of the examination due to non-application within the given period, non-reach of information to the students, etc. Mahesh Kakade, director, Examination and Evaluation Board – SPPU, has appealed to students to ensure that no one is deprived of this opportunity.

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