Tarot horoscope for each zodiac sign on Fall Equinox and Libra season 2024 | Astrology


The first day of fall starts on September 22, 2024. The Fall Equinox marks the Sun’s transition into Libra, ushering in Libra season, which lasts until October 22, 2024. This time of balance and harmony brings new energy and insight, perfect for reflection and growth.

Tarot horoscope for each zodiac sign on Fall Equinox and Libra season 2024.( Representative Image).
Tarot horoscope for each zodiac sign on Fall Equinox and Libra season 2024.( Representative Image).

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This article will delve into the astrological significance of Fall Equinox and Libra season, with Tarot readings.


Fall Equinox tarot card: Ten of Cups

This fall season emphasizes your relationships. Reconnect with your visions and align your goals in community and personal connections. Open your heart, and the Ten of Cups will support your journey toward emotional fulfilment.


Fall Equinox tarot card: The Hierophant

Taurus, stay grounded in what works. Avoid overcomplicating things and follow tried-and-true methods. Success will come through consistency and sticking to the rules.


Fall Equinox tarot card: Three of Wands

Gemini, you’re waiting for good news, and it’s coming! Trust in your efforts and stay patient. The Three of Wands assures that the outcomes you seek are well on their way.


Fall Equinox tarot card: Eight of Cups

Cancer, it’s time to walk away from things that no longer serve you. Though difficult, letting go opens the door to growth. Validate your needs and make space for new opportunities.


Fall Equinox tarot card: The World

Leo, you’re ready for a complete transformation. The World card encourages you to seek balance in all aspects of life. Focus on long-term happiness and make choices that bring fulfillment.


Nine of Cups Reversed

Virgo, initial setbacks might disappoint, but remember that rejection can be a blessing in disguise. Take this time to reflect, heal, and course-correct for better opportunities ahead.


Fall Equinox tarot card: Wheel of Fortune Reversed

Libra, you’re breaking free from old cycles. Patterns may resurface, but you now have the wisdom to respond differently, allowing you to create new paths after passing this spiritual test.


Fall Equinox tarot card: The Chariot

Scorpio, you’re driven to succeed and make strides toward your goals. Keep pushing forward, but be mindful of keeping your ego in check as you navigate this exciting period of growth.


Fall Equinox tarot card: Nine of Wands

Sagittarius, you’re almost at the finish line, but one last challenge may arise. Trust yourself and remain resilient. This period is about perseverance and healing.

Fall Equinox tarot card: Five of Cups

Capricorn, it’s time to feel your emotions deeply to heal fully. Processing your hurt and disappointment allows genuine growth. Once you do, you’ll be ready to embrace life with a renewed heart.

Fall Equinox tarot card: Strength

Aquarius, you’re powerful, but managing your emotions is essential. The way you respond to challenges will shape your future. Stay calm, mature, and wise in controlling what’s within your reach.

Fall Equinox tarot card: Six of Cups

During the Fall Equinox nostalgia fills this time, grounding you in fond memories. Your emotional openness attracts more beautiful moments, and the universe promises new joys that mirror past happiness.

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