Today Gold Rate 12-03-2025: Check latest prices in your city


On March 12, 2025, the price of 24 carat gold decreased to 8765.3 per gram, reflecting a decline of 350.0. The rate for 22 carat gold stands at 8036.3 per gram, which is down by 320.0.

Gold silver image
Gold silver image

In terms of percentage change, the rate of 24 carat gold has seen a shift of 0.33% over the past week and a decrease of -0.72% over the last month. Meanwhile, the silver rate has decreased to 101000.0 per kg, down by 1000.0.

Gold rates in Delhi today are recorded at 87653.0 for 10 grams. In comparison, yesterday, on March 11, 2025, the price was 87873.0 for the same quantity, and last week, on March 6, 2025, it was 88163.0 for 10 grams.

The silver rate in Delhi today is 101000.0 per kg. This reflects a decrease from 102100.0 per kg noted yesterday, March 11, 2025, and remains unchanged from the price recorded last week on March 6, 2025.

In Chennai, the current gold rate is 87501.0 for 10 grams, down from 87721.0 yesterday and 88011.0 last week.

The silver rate in Chennai today stands at 109600.0 per kg, having decreased from 110700.0 yesterday and remaining the same as last week’s price.

In Mumbai, the gold rate is reported as 87507.0 for 10 grams, a decrease from 87727.0 yesterday and 88017.0 last week.

The silver rate in Mumbai is currently 100300.0 per kg, down from 101400.0 yesterday and remaining unchanged from last week’s price.

In Kolkata, the gold rate is recorded at 87505.0 for 10 grams, a decline from 87725.0 yesterday and 88015.0 last week.

The silver rate in Kolkata is 101800.0 per kg, down from 102900.0 yesterday and unchanged from last week’s price.

As of the time of publication, gold futures for April 2025 on the MCX are trading at 84800.0 per 10 grams, reflecting an increase of 0.422.

Additionally, silver futures for July 2025 on the MCX are trading at 99322.0 per kg, up by 0.259.

The prices of gold and silver are influenced by numerous factors, including the input from significant jewelers. Key elements such as global demand for gold, fluctuations in currency, interest rates, and government policies play a crucial role in determining prices. International factors, including the state of the global economy and the strength of the US dollar against other currencies, also significantly impact gold rates in the Indian market.

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